consecutive number stopper knob 意味

  • consecutive number stopper knob


        stopper knob:    ストッパー?ツマミ
        consecutive number:    consecutive number 通し番号 とおしばんごう
        consecutive even number:    連続{れんぞく}した偶数{ぐうすう}
        consecutive number of (or total) volumes:    consecutive number of (or total) volumes 通巻 つうかん
        consecutive number reset wheel:    consecutive number reset wheel 一連番号帰零ツマミ[機械]
        stopper:     1stopper n. ふさぐもの, 栓. 【動詞+】 fit a stopper into a bottle びんに栓をする put a stopper in a bottle びんに栓をする He took the stopper from the bottle. びんの栓を取った take a stopper out 栓をあける.
        consecutive:    consecutive 連続 れんぞく
        knob:     knob n. 握り, 取っ手; つまみ, ノブ; 小塊. 【動詞+】 adjust a knob on a TV set テレビのつまみを調節する finger a knob ノブを指でいじる grasp a knob 取っ手を握る The door has a big brass knob. そのドアには大きな真ちゅう製の取っ手がつい
        airtight stopper:    密栓
        anchor stopper:    アンカー?ストッパー
        beam stopper:    beam stopper ビームストッパー[基礎]
        blade stopper:    blade stopper 羽根止め金[機械]
        bottle stopper:    bottle stopper 瓶の栓 びんのせん
        bottle-stopper:    {名-1} : 瓶の栓 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {名-2} : お巡り、ポリ公
        brake stopper:    brake stopper ブレーキ式鎖止[機械]


  1. "consecutive losses" 意味
  2. "consecutive negative" 意味
  3. "consecutive number" 意味
  4. "consecutive number of (or total) volumes" 意味
  5. "consecutive number reset wheel" 意味
  6. "consecutive numbers" 意味
  7. "consecutive operation" 意味
  8. "consecutive pitching" 意味
  9. "consecutive processing" 意味
  10. "consecutive number of (or total) volumes" 意味
  11. "consecutive number reset wheel" 意味
  12. "consecutive numbers" 意味
  13. "consecutive operation" 意味

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